Exhibit Columbus

Exhibit Columbus is an annual exploration of architecture, art, design, and community.

Explore the past, present, and future of design at 18 outdoor, site-responsive installations that energize spaces in and around Columbus’ masterpieces of modern architecture. The exhibition creates exciting new ways to experience Columbus' design heritage for residents and newcomers alike.

Five Miller Prize-winning architectural firms have created major installations on 5th Street. Five international design studios punctuate Washington St with experiences. Installations by regional university students and local high schoolers showcase the future of design education.

Opening August 26 and running through November 26, the exhibition is free to visit and open to the public. Exhibit Columbus programs are bringing world-renowned talents in art, architecture, and design to downtown Columbus while re-energizing the local community around our design heritage.

26 August to 26 November 2017
Various Locations

Landmark Columbus
Exhibit Columbus
